Time for some W5YI-VEC news:

We had a very successful 2022 Hamvention. We had the pleasure of meeting alot of CVE's and VE's this year.   We gave lots of demos of ExamTools.

What's new for 2022 and reminders of the old:

1.  July 1, 2022 is rapidly approaching and your Tech exams need to be updated.  To print new exams you need to create an account on the examtools.org site.  This will allow you to print your 2022 Tech Exams and Answer Sheets.  The 2018-2022 Exams will be rejected after July 1, 2022.  Remember, the Exam Series # must be included on the applicant's Answer Sheet. 

2.  The FCC mandated that every application must include a valid email address.  Per the February 2015 Public Notice DA 15-72, The FCC no longer mails paper license authorizations.  Once the FCC grants the application, the applicant will receive an email with the subject "FCC Application Grant OR Official FCC License" from the FCC (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) within 24 hours of the grant date with a link to print the new license.  If the applicant does not receive it in their inbox, they should check their spam box.  Unfortunately, the FCC email can not be regenerated and resent and the link to download the new license is only good for 30 days.

3.  If the applicant does not already have an FRN, the FCC has also mandated that every applicant pre-register in CORES https://apps.fcc.gov/coresWeb/publicHome.do and obtain a FRN to supply instead of their SSN.  The FRN must be on the 605 or it will be placed on hold.

4.  Once the application is submitted to the FCC, the FCC will give it a File #, and then the applicant will receive an email from the FCC with full instructions to pay the $35 fee.  If the applicant does not pay the required fee within 10 (calendar) days, the application will be dismissed and they will not receive a license.  This will only apply to New (unlicensed) licensees, Renewals, and new Vanity callsign requests.  Upgrades, Address change, and Name change applications will NOT be assessed the new fee.  FCC Pay Fees Site: https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/paymentFrnLogin.do

5.  The FCC mandated that every applicant must answer the Basic Qualification Question (BQQ).  If the applicant answers "Yes" to the Felony Question, they will receive an email from W5YI-VEC with full instructions once the application has been submitted to the FCC and receives a File #.

6.  You may now use the W5YI DropBox to send PDF's, and files to W5YI VEC. This is MUCH more secure than email.  Please contact our office at 800-669-9594 to obtain the DropBox address
“Do everything you can to create an amazing, inspiring experience for your volunteers-and you won’t regret it”

W5YI and ExamTools subscribe to this thinking, and encourage you to join us.

Did you know that your current Exam Admin workload can be reduced to almost nothing?
    How about eliminating *all* (no, really, ALL) paper from your test sessions?
    ExamTools offer these tools to you *right now*! Interested? Keep reading...
W5YI has transitioned to ExamTools, brought to you by Signal Stuff, a tool available to all current Contact VEs and their Test Teams.

Your test session is now assisted by powerful technology, automating portions of your sessions. ExamTools compiles your sessions electronic documents allowing you to submit your session to W5YI in as quick as 90 seconds from your last applicant signing electronic documents.  ExamTools uses web-based software, crafted to expedite your exam sessions in ways that prove refreshingly convenient for your applicants and VE team alike!

You may conduct your sessions in-person without printing a piece of paper, scanning or mailing any documents – ever, you can even do remote sessions without you, your VEs, or your applicants even having to start their vehicle!  (Refreshing with fuel prices the way they are these days).  You will still be able to print your paper Exams as you always have from this new Software if you decide to stay with the "old-school" way.  But consider how much time it takes to verify the 605 forms are complete and signed, grade the exam manually, fill out the CSCE, and complete the Manifest correctly...ExamTools does that and prints them automatically and electronically.
We strongly encourage you to explore this provision we have to modernize the way you conduct your exam sessions.   Embracing technology that we currently employ ourselves, explore for yourself how easily exams are completed by observing a remote session. Reward yourself and your teams volunteer spirit NOW!  You may contact us at your convenience to schedule a demo session for your entire Team. 

There are numerous sessions every week that you can attend to observe how easy ExamTools will make your testing experience. You already give much to our hobby, and you have developed robust techniques for your team, so now let ExamTools do your heavy lifting.
Here’s what others are saying.
“It can’t be that simple!” – CVE Roger KE8QVG
“If we can thank Covid-19 for one thing, it is introducing us to remote examinations!” – CVE Stephen WM7X
“This seems too easy, what am I missing?” – Thomas KT1ME
“We can now test more people, accurately & efficiently, making more use of our increasingly limited time.” –                            CVE Herb AA7HW
ExamTools Online Exam (Remote or In-Person) Benefits:

        Start to finish, applicants can take an exam in minutes
        When paper is still preferred, the software will grade exams in 3 seconds with your smartphone
        Fast, ACCURATE Sessions
        Familiar electronic interface for applicants
        Productive and Fun!
        More secure protecting session and exam integrity
        Less distractions for applicants
        Convenient and Efficient
        Flexible Session Management
        Historical session documentation (you no longer have to keep paper copies - our office does that)
        Completed Sessions often submitted to FCC the next business day
        Applicants from outside your immediate area
        Mobility challenges eliminated for applicants and VEs
        Tap into resources of nationwide VEs available to assist your team for Remote Exams
        You can keep a credit card on file in our office for your Session fees.

ExamTools Disadvantages:

Being web-based, you must have internet to access (by cellphone, tablet, or computer) it during your Session

If you choose to stick with paper Exams, you will still need to keep copies if your Manifest, passing 605's, and passing Answer Sheet, and CSCE and submit your Session by mail or email (PDF only) as you always have.
W5YI is committed to the success of your team, and we are confident you will stunned at how simple your sessions will become. Train with us soon, and allow ExamTools and W5YI to help you continue to promote Amateur Radio as you have been so diligently!

Thank you
Tracy Dye
W5YI VEC Manager

FCC License Search: http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/searchLicense.jsp
FCC Application Search: https://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/ApplicationSearch/searchAppl.jsp
FCC Pay Fees Site: https://apps.fcc.gov/cores/paymentFrnLogin.do

Office: 800-669-9594
Fax: 817-548-9495
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mail: PO Box 200065, Arlington, TX 76006-0065