Effective April 19, 2022 the Amateur Radio vanity call sign application fee will be $35
When the FCC first opened the Vanity Call Sign System in 1998, the original fee was set at $50.00 and has been increased and decreased over time. In a typical fiscal year, the FCC has collected on the order of $250,000 in vanity call sign application fees. Congress has mandated that the FCC collect nearly $340 million in regulatory fees from all services in fiscal year 2015.
Obtaining station call signs of your choice is a service of the W5YI-VEC and we have processed thousands of them for the Amateur community. Amateurs may handle the process themselves through the FCC's website or you can let us handle the application. I takes the FCC 18-20 days to process vanity applications and grant a new vanity call sign.
For more information see our FAQ page or you can call us at 1-972-412-5221