New Year...New Name !! W5YI-VEC is now W5YI Licensing Services
W5YI Licensing Services is still getting all of the kinks worked out but things are running much smoother now. If you had a session in December or early January, you should have received one of the new Invoices for payment of session fees. We are now using a new Merchant processor and now all user CC info is securely stored in their Customer Information Vault. So for the first Invoice each CVE is being asked to provide CC info and to store it for future transactions. All Card Authorization Forms submitted prior to this Newsletter are being destroyed and information will not be stored by our Office. There is also a Customer Portal for CVE's that allow you to see all Invoices paid or due. If you have received an Invoice you should also have an invite to the Portal. Please check your junk mail if you are missing any of the emails. Tracy can resend the Invoice or invite if needed. Please remember, Invoices are due immediatley upon receipt. Please pay your Invoices in a timely manner.
Some other updates: W5YI is now offering a Complete Renewal Service, We have had numerous calls from Amateurs frustrated dealing with the FCC CORES web site to pay their Renewal fees. It takes a couple of days, and the process issimilar to what we currently do for Vanity calls, We will Manage the FRN eit the FCC, submit the renewal, pay the fee, and then mail a new license to the Amateur. This service will cost $45 + The FCC Fee which is currently $35 for an $80 total.. We will still offer the $10 service where we just submit the renewal / address change / name change, but the applicant will deal with the FCC/Fee themselves Also Vanity applications will have a price change to $45 + FCC fee for $80 Total. Both of these services require at a minimum 2 days to perform the updates to the FRN to allow us to manage the FRN to be able to pay the FCC Fee on the applicant's behalf.
We are also asking for suggestions for a new W5YI Licensing ServiceLOGO. The current Ham It UP logo is probably over 30 years old. We are refreshing the look of the websites and felt that we need to look at refreshing the logo as well. If anyone is a logo designee or wants to be one please feel free to submit your ideas to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The ideas will be presented to my Tuesday night test session group for feedback.
For up-to-date information please join me WB5QNG for our Tuesday night Chat / test session. The zoom link is always posted in the W5YI Discord server.
For those who would like to read some history of the VEC System and Amateur Radio, we have scanned in a large collection of Fred Maia W5YI Reports We are missing some early years a a few issues, if you have any of these we would love to add them to the web site. The DLARC online archive has plans to link to our site and index the reports. These Reports have been on their most wanted list for quirt a while.