Time for some W5YI-VEC news:

 QRZ  has continued a modified jumpstart program for new hams through
June 31, 2023. see details here:

Some reminders from the desk of Tracy

1.  Do not include CSCE's in the scanned PDF on paper exams
2.  Verify that applicant has provided a FRN and email address on the 605 before submitting it
3.  do not email session information, use the W5YI dropbox instead"
4.  A 2023 W5YI-VEC Credit Card Authorization must be on file in our office
5.  Update your credit card with an Authorization form when you get a new card or expiration date
6.  Both the DAT and PDF from ExamTools must be placed in the DropBox

7.  You must use Examtools to print exams for paper sessions.

1. The New w5yi-vec.org has been deployed.   One new feature is a live table of exam.tools sessions sorted by in person or remote. This table is updated each time the link is clicked.    Even if you don't use exam.tools to give exams, please post your exam schedule there, you can select in the schedule if you wish to use exam tools for registration and / or grading.   Exam.tools can create ( if used for registration) a preprinted 605 and CSCE for your team and applicant to sign.

2. Several CVE's  have asked about testing with  tablets.   We recommend the Amazon Fire 8 HD tablet.   T These can be purchased on sales quite often.   Woot.com is an Amazon surplus site that has the tablet on sale quite often for $19.99.   The W5YI-VEC.org site has 2 sets of instructions on how to setup the Amazon Fire HD tablets.   The instructions for using ADB are probably best if you have over 5 tablets to setup.  Thanks to Herb AA7HW and Michael WT9V for their research and time to put this together.

3. Exam.tools is a VE tool kit. It is a web site not an application.  It will allow you to print paper exams, it will also allow you use your phone to grade exams, or if you use tablets or computers to give a totally paperless exam session.   We highly recommend scheduling a training / demo session to look at what exam.tools has to offer and then decide with your team how you want to use it.  To schedule a demo contact Allan WB5QNG @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

4. A new haminstructor.com site has also been deployed.  This site requires a new registration to access the  instructor resources. it now has a calendar so you can post your classes for all to see.   The calendar display is for the next 60 days.  Please note the site requires you to verify your email address.   This is done by sending you an email that you must cut and paste a URL into your browser.   Until you have verified your email your registration is on hold and not usable.

5.  The FCC has put out a notice that the CORES site is not compatible with phones or tablets.   This means your applicants need to use a desktop to pay their application fee.  If the applicant uses a phone or tablet to make their payment, it will appear that the payment went through with no issues and their card will be charged but the payment will NOT be applied to the application as it should be and the pending application WILL NOT be granted.  Please keep track of your applicants after they have tested and make sure they pay their fees.  

6.  The  VE Manual was updated last year.    Some policies have been added & updated so PLEASE READ!   Please make sure your VE's have read the new manual as well.     A complete PDF can be downloaded from the W5YI-VEC site
As a reminder...
Technician Exam - 35 questions (9 passes, 10 fails)
General Exam        - 35 questions (9 passes, 10 fails)
Extra Exam             - 50 questions (13 passes, 14 fails)

7.  The FCC mandated that every application must include a valid email address.  Per the February 2015 Public Notice DA 15-72, The FCC no longer mails paper license authorizations.  Once the FCC grants the application, the applicant will receive an email with the subject "FCC Application Grant OR Official FCC License" from the FCC (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) within 24 hours of the grant date with a link to print the new license.  If the applicant does not receive it in their inbox, they should check their spam box.  Unfortunately, the FCC email can not be regenerated and resent and the link to download the new license is only good for 30 days.  You can login into the license manager at any time to download or update your official license information.

8.  If the applicant does not already have an FRN, the FCC has also mandated that every applicant pre-register in CORES and obtain a FRN to supply instead of their SSN.  The FRN must be on the 605 or it the application will be returned to you unprocessed and you will have to track down your applicant and get the information! .

            *** FOLLOW UP ON YOUR APPLICANTS!! Don't just submit them and forget them.  You may view the progress of your applicants by watching their applicantion on the FCC site.  Change the search box to FRN and enter your applicants FRN.  If you see that your applicant has not  paid their fee, reach out to them and speak with them to make sure they understand what to do.  Provide them with the Fee Payment link if they can't find it or didn't receive  their email from the FCC.     If the applicant does not know or remember their FRN/CORES password, they will need to contact  the FCC at 877-480-3201 or submit Help Request

9. The FCC mandated that every applicant must answer the Basic Qualification Question (BQQ).  If the applicant answers "Yes" to the Felony Question, they will receive an email from W5YI-VEC with full instructions once the application has been submitted to the FCC and receives a File #.

10.  Please use the W5YI Dropbox to send PDF's, and files to W5YI VEC. This is MUCH more secure than email.  Please contact our office by email (//This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." style="color: #656565; text-decoration: underline;">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)  to obtain the Dropbox address

11.  Check your team credentials and if they have expired or changed, contact W5YI and update them.  It is the CVE's responsibility to verify that all credentials are current (see W5YI VE Manual).   You can check your teams status here.  If there are members of your core team that do not appear on your status page, contact [email address] with a list of their VE numbers and callsigns" so we can get the cvesponsor field   ALL CVE's and VE's should have a badge that reflects their current call and correct Certification expiration date that coincides with the expiration date of their license.  If a new badge need to the ordered, please mail (PO Box 200065, Arlington TX 76006) or email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) a signed copy of the current license along with $3.  Please include VE#, current Phone #, and current email.

Thank you