W5YI-VEC is now W5YI Licensing Services - Check out the new Logo!
W5YI is the only FULL Service VEC. We don't just process Exam sessions, we also do Renewals, Address changes, Name changes, Club Call signs, and 1x1 Special event call signs 1x1callsigns.org.
Notice: We have discovered that the FCC is not sending about 25% of the outgoing emails. Please advise your applicants to check the https://www.fcc.gov/cores for any fees due if they have not received an email within 2-3 business days after the session.
W5YI Licensing Services is attending Hamfests and Conventions. I was at Belton , TX hamfest recently and it was great to meet a LOT of W5YI VEs and explain to a number of hams about our renewal service. We will be at Dayton Hamvention May 17-19 Bldg 2 Booth 2105 next to K2BSA and across the aisle from ARRL We are behind and one aisle over from where W5YI Group has been in the past. Tracy and I will both be there so stop by and say HI. After Hamvention then I will be at DFW Ham-Expo in June. I have also just reserved a table at the Huntsville Hamfest. More info later.
Our New Complete Renewal Service
We are now offering Complete Renewal Service. This is a concierge service were W5YI will file a application for renewal, pay the FCC application fee (currently $35) and then print and USPS mail your renewed license along with a copy suitable for framing. We are doing limited mailing to amateurs who have renewed with W5YI in the past to remind them their license is up for renewal. We will probably continue this reminder mailing for the foreseeable future. For those using tablets to test please consider putting a link in your first page (tablet.html or similar) something like this just before the </div>
Badges and Certificates You can print a pdf of the badge and laminate one and print a VE certificate by going to w5yi-vec.org/vestatus.php and logging in with your callsign and VE#. We are still working out the ordering process. But the current plans are: If you are renewing and have had 4 or more sessions in the last year you will get a new plastic badge for free. If you are a new VE you can download badge, once you have participated in 4 session ( in a year) you will be sent the new badge.
A note from Tracy on session processing
Once a Session has been held it has the following timeline:
1. It is submitted to our office for processing to the FCC by PDF to our DropBox. If you are still using paper for your Sessions, it goes in line to be hand keyed by me into our database. This can sometimes take up to a week to be completed depending on my workload with sessions, renewals, vanities, and billing.
Using ExamTools on tablets, the submission of your Session to the FCC would be done the same day or the following day depending on the time your Session is uploaded to the DropBox. Nothing is "hand" processed with this method. ExamTools Sessions are quickly uploaded into our database (within 3-4 seconds) and there is no paper involved and no records for your to keep. ExamTools keeps the records for you. This is much more efficient and has less errors since the 605 information is entered and confirmed by the applicant electronically. There are no longer errors in trying to read someone's handwriting or simple typos. For more information about this, please contact Allan at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2. Once your session has been keyed, it is submitted to the FCC through EBF (Electronic Batch Filing) at the end of day.
3. Usually at the top of the hour the FCC processes what we have submitted.
4. The FCC then sends the applicant an email to the email address provided on the application with instructions for "New" applicants to log into the FCC Pay Fees site and pay the $35 FCC application fee. The applicant has 10 days to pay this fee. If the applicant fails to pay their fee within the 10 days, the application must be withdrawn and resubmitted by our office. If this happens the applicant would need to contact you and you must send us an email with the Session location (City & State), date, applicant's name, and applicant's FRN with an explanation and request the re-submission. W5YI does recommend that you track your new applicants on the FCC Application Search page (by FRN) and contact them if you see that they are on their 6th day and haven't paid their fee. You do this by clicking on the Application File #, then clicking on the "Admin" tab. From there you can see if the payment has been made. Once the applicant pays the required fee, the FCC sends them a 2nd email the morning after the payment has been processed to download their new license.
5. After the new license or the upgrade is granted, instructions for the applicant to download their upgraded license should be sent by the FCC.
6. After the session has been processed I will send an Invoice to you by email for the Session fees to be paid through our Payment Portal. This can take up to a week or more after the Session has been completed. Once the invoice is paid the Session is closed.
I hope this answers your questions and helps you understand the process.
Contact and other Information:
Please update your contact lists: Allan WB5QNG This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Tracy Dye This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Phone is now 972-412-5221. Mailing address is POB 260916 Plano, TX 75026-0916 If you are sending check for payment make checks payable to W5YI or W5YI Licensing Services. Checks made out to w5yi-vec will be returned and your session not processed until proper payment is received.
Please use the W5YI Dropbox for sending sessions and other documents to W5YI VEC. This is MUCH faster and more secure. Please make sure you have current forms for VE Applications , Vanity Call signs, Club application, VE Application, CSCE or Renewals! If you need current forms please go to the W5YI Discord Server. Here is a link to join W5YI on Discord (please change your nickname to your name and callsign). We will set your privileges accordingly. Using old forms will result in delays or returned forms to be updated.
Our new billing system is now fully in place. Once you submit a session, you will be setup with a customer portal. This will allow you to see which sessions you have been invoiced for and their payment status. If you did not receive a portal invite and you have submitted a session in 2024 please contact Tracy.
All old newsletters are available on the w5yi-vec.org site Newsletters