W5YI Licensing Services Inc.

The only Full Service Nationwide VEC

 W5YI Announce Students test Students Pilot program

W5YI announce a Pilot program to get Student involved in testing and helping youth get licensed.   W5YI is certifying 10 University / College W5YI VE teams to test students for FREE and to enable youth to get into Amatue Radio at a low cost, each team can test up to 100 applicants for new licenses and W5YI will pay the $35 fee when the sesssion is submitted to W5YI for Submittal to the FCC.  Once the application is accepted by the FCC, W5YI will login and pay the Fee.   As with an program there are Terms and conditions.   Testing must be done by a W5YI accreditted University / College team and submitted to W5YI for Processing.   Contact arb at w5yi-vec.org for more information.   To find a team look at our link to find an exam session on this site.

W5YI is now offering a Complete Renewal Service

We do all the work for you to renew your license, including paying the FCC fee! 

Amateur radio license testing is conducted under the supervision of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs). Volunteer examiners (VEs) are Amateurs holding General, Advanced or Extra Class licenses who are approved by a VEC may prepare and administer amateur license examinations to applicants.

What is W5YI VEC ?

The examinations are given by teams of three or more VEs who volunteer their time to help the amateur service grow. There are 14 FCC appointed VECs.  Ham testing is widely available in all areas of FCC jurisdiction and to applicants with a US mailing address.

There is a small examination charge, W5YI VEC charges $14.00, to administer the examinations necessary to obtain any of the 3 ham radio licenses. Many of the VEC organizations maintain permanent staff and the exam fees help cover the cost of administering exams and processing the paperwork and electronically filing the application with the FCC.

The VEs give examination credit (called a Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination or CSCE) for the license class currently held so that examinations already passed need not be repeated. Examination credit conferred by the CSCE is valid for one year. The VEs construct the examinations from question pools that have been made public. It is the responsibility of the VECs Question Pool Committee (QPC) to develop and revise all of the question pools. Each of the 3 question pools are revised on a 4-year cycle period. The content of these question pools is available at ncvec.org